Sunday, January 9, 2011

19 and Counting

Tomorrow marks the first day of my last semester as a single woman. It's funny, I keep finding these little "this is the last time.." things. I remember doing the same thing when I was a senior, but back then I was terrified. Don't get me wrong, I'm terrified about a lot of things. Getting married is never a walk in the park, and college certainly doesn't make it any easier. No matter where you are in life, getting married is a big step. Promising to love the same person until the day you die is a huge commitment. I've made that commitment once before, and so far I've stuck with Him through the good times and the bad :] And with Him by my side, I can make that commitment one more time.

I'm terrified. But not for the reasons some would expect. I'm afraid I won't be good at this. I'm afraid that I won't know how to prioritize, putting God first, Steven second and school third. But I'm not afraid of the rest. Life is an incredible journey, and this is one of the most eventful times in a person's life. So why wouldn't I want to spend this part with the person I'll be spending the rest of my life with? Some people think we're crazy. I think it's everyone else. 

19 weeks, and counting :]

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