Monday, January 3, 2011

The Cost of a Cure

Well, I had an appointment with my eye doctor today. He had been talking to a doctor in Minnesota about doing my eye surgery and then today informed me that he would prefer that I go to a doctor in Canada. Apparently this doctor has better advancements and has the bets shot of giving me 20/20 vision. With my horrendous vision and crazy amount of astigmatism, I've never once though that being glasses free was an option, and here it is!

The surgery is $3,600 per eye, and I need both eyes done. Plus the cost of travel and hotel. Of course insurances won't touch it, they consider it an "elective"surgery. I consider it a lifeline. Even though my contacts give me decent vision, I still miss out on so much. I can't see when I swim, I can't drive at night, I can't fall asleep with my contacts in unless I want to wake up in horrible pain. But a few weeks ago it really hit me. With my vision the way it is, I won't be able to see Steven's face when I walk down the aisle in May. I don't consider that elective at all. 

I have a week off of school in February, so the doctors here in Ludington are contacting Canada this week to try and get me in that quickly, they seem optimistic.

After 16 years in glasses, I may finally have my cure.

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