Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I was reading a conversation the other day that intrigued me. People were voicing there opinions on whether love was fate, if God had made one particular person for everyone, or if there may be an alternative. It got me thinking about this, because it's something I've always wondered but never gave much though to.

So what's the answer? In my opinion, we waste too much time thinking and not enough time loving. Why does it matter? What's important is that you've found someone you love who loves you as well. Maybe you weren't supposed to end up with them. Maybe there's someone you would have been just as happy with, or even happier. But we're never going to know that answer, so why dwell on it? I think that every couple wonders if they've made the right decision. After all, it's one of the biggest decisions you will ever make, and of course everyone wants to know that they got it right. But wouldn't our time be better spent focusing on loving the person we are with?

Everyone has flaws. And quirks. And habits that will annoy you to no end. No one is perfect. I think it's about figuring out what flaws you can live with and putting your energy into falling in love with them. No matter who you are, you're going to wonder if you've made the right choice at some point. And no matter who you are, your spouse is going to wonder if they might the right choice as well. Being on the other side, how does that make you feel? Would you want your significant other to spend their time wondering if you were the right choice? Or would you rather that they spend time searching for all of your amazing qualities?

Our world is in love with love, but we have no idea what to do with it.


  1. so, I just thought I'd let you know, that was thought provoking, and I'm gonna share this link with friends. C:

  2. I didn't know you were on here! Oh goody..haha.
